在新质生产力与高质量发展的大背景下,青年群体成为推动社会与市场变革的核心力量。大悦城自 2019 年以来持续关注青年文化演变,见证了其融合、迭代等过程。从以地缘和血缘为纽带的传统链接转向基于兴趣的文化集群,如山系户外、科技新生等圈层。青年们的生活态度和价值观复杂而真实,既在消费价值与情绪价值间游走,又在独立自我与圈子认同中找平衡。大悦城作为业内首个以 18 – 35 岁年轻消费者为目标客群的潮流购物中心,始终对年轻客群进行研判与洞察,并发布相关白皮书。
- 青年的重要性及大悦城的关注
- 青年是时代风向标,其生活方式和消费选择预示市场趋势。大悦城对城市新生代及青年客群关注五年未变,持续为青年提供符合生活态度的场景与体验。
- 青年群体特征
- 地域和性别分布:一线及新一线城市 18 – 35 岁青年占比超 40%,其中深圳占比超 54%。大悦城会员中女性数量多于男性。
- 消费表现:青年人是购物中心主要消费群体,在时尚、科技、娱乐等领域消费突出,热爱潮流与新鲜事物,消费态度开放、自由、快速。
- 消费价值 & 情绪价值
- 消费特征:追求使用价值,信奉 “每一分钱都要花在刀刃上”,同时也会为体验感和哄自己开心而上头消费,是 “局部大方型” 消费者。如寻找大牌平替,“薅羊毛” 等行为常见,同时也热衷为氛围感、治愈系等情绪价值付费。
- 热度趋势:2024 年 7 月,小红书上关于情绪价值互动超 900 万次,情绪价值关注度日益提升,虽仍重视性价比,但更注重悦己。服饰、美食、彩妆护肤是追求质价比的首要目标。
- 外向体验 & 内向探索
- 消费行为:外向体验如更新运动装备、citywalk 等消费当代青年鲜少犹豫,内向探索则表现为回归自我、关爱自己,如养生茶包等风靡。
- 热度及影响:外向体验在适宜季节热度更高,拉动旅游、餐饮等行业发展;内向探索在社交媒体讨论热度攀升,激活宠物、文化教育等行业。2024 年 7 月,小红书上关于内向探索互动超 1700 万次。
- 圈子坐标 & 定义自我
- 消费与社交:通过购买独特小众品牌和主理人设计彰显个性,在社群中寻找自我认同,如 “搭子文化”“X 门永存” 等现象流行。
- 热度趋势:社交媒体上关于定义自我的帖子热度稳中有升,关于圈子的讨论 2024 年第二季度开始飞速上涨,5 月达到互动高峰。手机游戏、动漫周边是圈子构建与兴趣消费主要领域。
- 二次元文化
- 文化特点:与纸片人 “谈恋爱”,有独特交流方式,如 “吃谷” 等。群体热衷于游戏、买谷、逛漫展、COS 等。
- 消费趋势:谷子模玩扭蛋店数量占比最高,活动快闪类店铺热度贡献最高。二次元文化青年群体女性更多,18 – 24 岁活力青年占比较高。
- 新国潮文化
- 文化内涵:是传统与现代碰撞,对中华文化独特美学的全新演绎,如霸王茶姬以京剧花旦为灵感设计品牌 logo。群体热衷于中式养生、新国货、传统服饰等。
- 消费趋势:国风餐饮热度最高,相关店铺数量占比 40% 且热度指数第一。新国潮文化青年群体女性较多,25 – 34 岁成熟青年占比更高。
- 科技新生
- 文化意义:科技成为青年探索自我与世界的桥梁,如 ChatGPT、Vision Pro 等带来新体验。群体热衷于电子竞技、技术美学、电子新产品等。
- 消费趋势:数码产品店铺数量占比最高,电玩互动类店铺热度指数高。科技新生青年群体男性较多,25 – 34 岁成熟青年占比较高。
- 音浪狂欢
- 文化作用:是青年生活中的陪伴者和治愈者,如 livehouse、音乐节等成为生活调节剂。
- 消费趋势:演出场馆、音乐厅、livehouse、小酒馆热度最高,店铺数量占比约 40% 且热度领先。音浪狂欢青年群体女性较多,18 – 24 岁活力青年占比更高。
- 在地生活
- 文化探索:以细腻视角探索城市肌理,如 citywalk 衍生出 cityride 等,感受城市文化底色。群体热衷于 citywalk、寻找附近烟火气。
- 消费趋势:与 citywalk 相关的文娱店铺数量占比最高,咖啡馆、酒吧、展馆等 citywalk 相关休闲娱乐场所店铺数量突出且热度高。在地生活青年群体女性较多,25 – 34 岁成熟青年占比更高。
- 山系户外
- 文化象征:象征对城市生活的短暂逃离,表达探索自然、突破自我的态度,如周末短途露营等流行。
- 消费趋势:户外服饰店铺数量占比最高,满足着装需求且热度较突出。山系户外青年群体 25 – 34 岁占比最高,男性参与者占比 46%。
- 主理人生态
- 文化创新:打破传统商业标准化体系,赋予空间和品牌温度与个性,如手作面包等是情感传递媒介。
- 消费趋势:潮流服饰的主理人率最高且热度最高,茶馆、咖啡厅等也是重要业态。主理人青年群体女性较多,25 – 34 岁成熟青年占比更高。
- IP 联名
- 合作形式与影响:各大品牌与文化元素跨界携手,推出创新产品,融合文化精髓与时尚元素,横跨多个领域。2024 年哈利波特等经典 IP 持续火热,新宠恋与深空等表现亮眼。IP 联名社媒热度震荡上升,7 月达到高峰,奶茶、西餐等餐饮美食和服饰鞋履是热门覆盖行业。
- 场景体验
- 体验打造与效果:为青年打造沉浸式场景体验,通过环境氛围营造、互动技术融入和个性化服务提供,触发情感共鸣。2024 年艺术展、新中式国风等文艺场景和剧本杀、live house 等新潮场景商业价值较高。场景体验社媒热度 2024 年快速攀升,7 月达到高峰,剧本杀、密室逃脱等室内休闲娱乐和旅游、展览等是热门行业。
- 社群营造
- 社群活动与价值:如成都天府大悦城举办宠物社群活动,强化 “宠友好” 标签;西安大悦城举办骑行活动,打造城市生活新地标。通过社群活动为青年提供归属感与共鸣,提升会员消费占比和拉新人数。
- 首发首店
- 店铺吸引力与影响:品牌首发首店给消费者新鲜感受,推出新产品或服务模式。电子产品和汽车商业价值高,手游、文创、彩妆等商业价值和青年偏爱度双高。首发首店社媒热度 2024 年 7 月最高,餐饮美食行业是关注重点。
- 青年未来文化趋势
- 更加注重多元化、包容性和可持续性,强调个性化。
- 大悦城的实践举措
- 打造大会员体系:通过技术手段提升,优化商业会员体系,实现会员数字资产盘活与流量价值变现,与品牌共创共策私域会员定制化营销。
- 有趣的场子吸引有趣的灵魂:如骑鹅星球等特色业态升级,引入高品质餐饮品牌,打造理想 “食愈” 空间等。
- 治愈内耗与疲惫的心灵:建筑融合在地文化,打造如滨海文艺浪漫地标等,营造不同风格的商业新地标。
- 一场千面,多元空间由我定义:持续引入高质量全国首发类 IP 快闪活动,打造大悦城体系及项目自有 IP 活动。
- 科技共生的行动派:与支付宝达成战略合作,应用 AI 消费助手和 AI 积分等新科技,提升客服效率和购物体验。
- 青年文化不断迭代,未来可能呈现保持理智消费、追求长期主义、户外场景轻量化、圈层不再设限、小众成为新常态、重构 “附近”、疗愈成为生活方式、新型陪伴快速涌现、人格回归与自我彰显、从 “科技新生” 走向 “科技共生” 等趋势。
- 更加多元、开放和包容的青年文化将推动社会进步,大悦城将继续关注青年群体,适应青年文化变化趋势,为青年打造更好的产品和体验。
Core Analysis of “2024 Joy City Youth Culture White Paper”
I. Introduction
In the context of new productive forces and high-quality development, the youth group has become the core force driving social and market changes. Since 2019, Joy City has continuously paid attention to the evolution of youth culture, witnessing its fusion, iteration, and other processes. From traditional links based on geography and blood ties to cultural clusters based on interests, such as mountain outdoor enthusiasts and tech-savvy newcomers. Youths’ attitudes towards life and values are complex and authentic, wandering between consumption value and emotional value, and seeking balance between independent self and group identity. As the first trendy shopping center targeting young consumers aged 18-35 in the industry, Joy City has always conducted research and insights into this young consumer group and released relevant white papers.
II. Youth Portrait and Joy Youth
The Importance of Youth and Joy City’s Focus
Youth are the vane of the times, and their lifestyles and consumption choices indicate market trends. Joy City has consistently focused on the urban new generation and youth consumer groups for five years, continuously providing scenarios and experiences that align with their lifestyles.
Characteristics of Youth Groups
Geographic and Gender Distribution: Youth aged 18-35 in tier-one and new tier-one cities account for over 40%, with Shenzhen exceeding 54%. The number of female Joy City members exceeds that of males.
Consumption Performance: Young people are the main consumer group in shopping centers,突出的 in fashion, technology, entertainment, and other fields. They love trends and new things, with open, free, and rapid consumption attitudes.
III. The New Youth Perspective
Consumption Value & Emotional Value
Consumption Characteristics: They pursue use value, believing in “spending every penny wisely,” but they also splurge on experiences and self-indulgence, embodying “partially generous” consumers. Behaviors such as seeking affordable alternatives to luxury brands and “scooping up deals” are common, while they are also enthusiastic about paying for emotional value such as ambiance and healing.
Popularity Trends: In July 2024, interactions related to emotional value on Xiaohongshu exceeded 9 million times, indicating a rising focus on emotional value. Although they still value cost-effectiveness, they prioritize self-pleasure. Clothing, food, and beauty products are the primary targets for pursuing quality-to-price ratios.
Outgoing Experiences & Introverted Exploration
Consumption Behavior: Youth rarely hesitate when it comes to outgoing experiences such as updating sports equipment and city walks. Introverted exploration manifests as returning to oneself and self-care, with wellness tea bags gaining popularity.
Popularity and Impact: Outgoing experiences peak in appropriate seasons, driving the development of tourism, catering, and other industries. Introverted exploration is gaining traction on social media, activating industries such as pets and cultural education. In July 2024, interactions on Xiaohongshu about introverted exploration exceeded 17 million times.
Circle Coordinates & Self-Definition
Consumption and Socializing: By purchasing unique and niche brands and designer items, youth express their individuality and seek self-identity within communities, with phenomena like “buddy culture” and “X-gate forever” becoming popular.
Popularity Trends: Posts about defining oneself on social media have steadily increased in popularity, and discussions about circles have soared since the second quarter of 2024, peaking in May in interactions. Mobile games and anime peripherals are major areas for circle building and interest-based consumption.
IV. New Youth Cultural Atlas
Otaku Culture
Cultural Characteristics: Falling in love with fictional characters and having unique communication methods, such as “eating谷子” (buying anime merchandise). This group is passionate about games, buying anime merchandise, attending anime conventions, and cosplay.
Consumption Trends: Stores selling anime merchandise and gachapon account for the highest proportion, while pop-up stores contribute the most to heat. Females dominate this group, with a high proportion of vibrant youth aged 18-24.
New Chinese Wave Culture
Cultural Connotation: A collision between tradition and modernity, representing a new interpretation of the unique aesthetics of Chinese culture, such as the design of the brand logo of CHAGEE inspired by Peking Opera female roles. This group is enthusiastic about Chinese-style wellness, new domestic brands, and traditional clothing.
Consumption Trends: Chinese-style catering is the most popular, with related stores accounting for 40% and ranking first in heat index. Females dominate this group, with a higher proportion of mature youth aged 25-34.
Tech-Savvy Newcomers
Cultural Significance: Technology serves as a bridge for youth to explore themselves and the world, with new experiences brought by ChatGPT, Vision Pro, etc. This group is passionate about e-sports, technological aesthetics, and new electronic products.
Consumption Trends: Stores selling digital products account for the highest proportion, and arcade interactive stores have a high heat index. Males dominate this group, with a higher proportion of mature youth aged 25-34.
Music Wave Frenzy
Cultural Role: Serving as companions and healers in youth life, with livehouses and music festivals becoming life regulators.
Consumption Trends: Venues for performances, concert halls, livehouses, and pubs are the most popular, with stores accounting for about 40% and leading in heat. Females dominate this group, with a higher proportion of vibrant youth aged 18-24.
Local Living
Cultural Exploration: Exploring the texture of cities with a delicate perspective, such as city rides derived from city walks, to feel the cultural background of the city. This group is passionate about city walks and seeking local charm.
Consumption Trends: Cultural and entertainment stores related to city walks account for the highest proportion, with a prominent number and high heat of cafes, bars, exhibition halls, and other leisure and entertainment venues related to city walks. Females dominate this group, with a higher proportion of mature youth aged 25-34.
Mountain Outdoor Culture
Cultural Symbol: Symbolizing a temporary escape from urban life, expressing an attitude of exploring nature and breaking through oneself, with popular activities such as weekend short camping trips.
Consumption Trends: Outdoor clothing stores account for the highest proportion, meeting clothing needs and standing out in popularity. Youth aged 25-34 account for the highest proportion, with 46% of male participants.
Brand Owner Ecology
Cultural Innovation: Breaking the traditional commercial standardization system, giving space and brands warmth and personality, such as handmade bread as a medium for emotional transmission.
Consumption Trends: Brand owners of trendy clothing have the highest rate and popularity. Teahouses, cafes, and other businesses are also important formats. Females dominate this group, with a higher proportion of mature youth aged 25-34.
V. New Youth Consumption Trends
IP Collaborations
Collaboration Forms and Impacts: Major brands collaborate with cultural elements to launch innovative products, integrating cultural essence and fashion elements across multiple fields. In 2024, classic IPs like Harry Potter continued to be popular, while new favorites like “Love and Producer: Deep Space” shone brightly. The social media heat of IP collaborations oscillated and rose, peaking in July, with catering and beverage, and apparel and footwear being the most popular industries covered.
Scene Experiences
Experience Creation and Effects: Creating immersive scene experiences for youth through ambient atmosphere creation, integration of interactive technology, and personalized services to trigger emotional resonance. In 2024, artistic exhibitions, new Chinese-style aesthetics, and other cultural scenes, as well as script-killing games and live houses, had high commercial value. The social media heat of scene experiences rose rapidly in 2024, peaking in July, with indoor leisure and entertainment such as script-killing games and escape rooms, as well as tourism and exhibitions, being popular industries.
Community Building
Community Activities and Value: For example, Chengdu Tianfu Joy City held pet community activities to strengthen its “pet-friendly” label, and Xi’an Joy City held cycling events to create a new city life landmark. Community activities provide youth with a sense of belonging and resonance, increasing member consumption share and new member acquisition.
First Launches and Flagship Stores
Store Attractiveness and Impact: First launches and flagship stores offer consumers a fresh experience by introducing new products or service models. Electronics and automobiles have high commercial value, while mobile games, cultural creativity, and cosmetics have both high commercial value and youth preference. The social media heat of first launches and flagship stores peaked in July 2024, with catering and food industries being the focus.
VI. Future Youth and Joy City Practices
Future Cultural Trends of Youth
Greater emphasis on diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability, highlighting individuality.
Joy City’s Practical Measures
Building a Large Membership System: By enhancing technological means, optimizing the commercial membership system, realizing the revitalization of members’ digital assets and the monetization of traffic value, and collaborating with brands to create customized marketing strategies for private domain members.
Attracting Interesting Souls with Interesting Spaces: Upgrading special formats such as Qie’e Planet, introducing high-quality catering brands, and creating ideal “healing through food” spaces.
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