淘宝作为国内最大的综合性电商平台之一,拥有庞大的用户规模。据统计,其月活跃用户数高达数亿人。在交易额方面,淘宝天猫在 2023 年电商大盘中占比为 45%,展现出强大的市场份额。京东商城自 2004 年涉足电子商务领域以来,连续七年增长率超过 200%,热衷于探索新技术,为消费者带来更好的购物体验。拼多多以独特的拼团模式迅速崛起,2023 年电商平台市场份额占 15%,其通过低价策略和新社交电商思维,吸引了大量消费者。
近几年抖音、快手等直播平台带货能力惊人。以抖音为例,2023 年抖音电商销售额已突破 2 万亿元人民币,同比增长超过 60%。直播平台用户画像广泛,涵盖了不同年龄、地域和消费层次的人群。直播电商的崛起对传统电商产生了巨大影响,它通过短视频内容和直播形式,为消费者提供了更加直观、互动的购物体验。
在新零售趋势下,线下门店转型加速。智能门店利用大数据、人工智能等技术,为消费者提供个性化的购物体验。无人零售则通过自动化设备,实现 24 小时不间断服务。体验式消费成为线下零售的新趋势,如家居装饰店设置模拟家居场景,让消费者直观感受产品效果。
中国消费者对移动支付的依赖程度极高,微信支付和支付宝的普及率远超其他国家。据统计,在中国,超过 80% 的消费者在日常购物中使用移动支付,而在一些欧美国家,移动支付的使用率仅为 30% 左右。这主要是因为中国的移动支付技术发展迅速,且具有便捷、快速、安全等优点。
口碑和社交推荐在中国消费者的购物决策中起着重要作用。消费者在购买商品前,会参考亲朋好友的意见,或者在社交媒体上查看其他消费者的评价。例如,小红书等平台上的用户分享和推荐,对消费者的购买决策产生了很大的影响。此外,KOL/KOC / 网红推荐也备受消费者关注,他们的推荐往往能够带动产品的销售。
小红书的 “种草” 机制也非常独特。平台通过大数据分析能力,为用户精准推送符合他们喜好的商品。用户在平台上分享个人生活体验、购物心得等内容,通过点赞、评论等社交互动机制,建立更加紧密的社交关系。品牌可以通过高质量的内容吸引目标用户,例如发布产品试用报告、美妆教程等,提高品牌曝光度和用户信任度。
(一)DTC 纯电商模式的策略组合
公域电商平台如私域电商如微信小程序商城, 社交电商如抖音等的结合,能够为外资品牌带来更广泛的客户覆盖和更深入的用户互动。微信小程序商城作为私域电商的代表,能够为品牌提供独立的运营空间,通过公众号运营、社群营销等方式,与消费者建立紧密的联系,提高用户粘性和忠诚度。而平台 / 社交电商则拥有庞大的用户流量和成熟的交易体系,能够帮助品牌快速扩大市场份额。
(二)DTC 纯电商模式加直营开店模式的要点
线上线下融合的策略是 DTC 纯电商模式加直营开店模式的重要组成部分。外资品牌可以通过 O2O 营销、会员体系打通等方式,实现线上线下的无缝对接。例如,消费者可以在网上下单,选择到店自提或快递配送;同时,消费者也可以在实体店体验商品,通过扫码下单享受线上优惠活动。会员体系打通能够实现会员积分、权益共享,提高会员的忠诚度和消费频次。
(三)B2B 经销商战略合作模式的关键
渠道冲突管理是 B2B 经销商战略合作模式的关键问题之一。外资品牌需要制定合理的价格体系和渠道政策,避免不同渠道之间的价格竞争和冲突。同时,外资品牌还需要加强对经销商的管理和监督,确保经销商遵守品牌的渠道政策和销售规范。
价格体系维护也是 B2B 经销商战略合作模式的重要任务。外资品牌需要制定合理的价格策略,既要保证品牌的利润空间,又要考虑市场的竞争力和消费者的接受程度。同时,外资品牌还需要加强对价格的监控和管理,避免价格波动和混乱,维护品牌的价格形象和市场秩序。
社交媒体集成模块允许用户通过社交媒体账号登录、分享商品和促销活动,扩大品牌的传播范围。移动兼容性模块确保商城系统适应移动设备,提供良好的用户体验,支持移动购物。API 集成模块允许与其他系统集成,实现数据同步和流程自动化。
(二)OMS、WMS 系统的功能
OMS(订单管理系统)在优化库存管理和订单处理方面发挥着关键作用。它负责订单的接收、处理、确认和执行,确保订单的准确性和及时性。OMS 与 WMS(仓库管理系统)紧密集成,能够根据订单需求触发仓库作业,如拣选、打包和发货。
商派 OMS 系统能够帮助品牌方实现全渠道一盘货经营,实现库存精细化管理。通过实时监控库存水平,OMS 系统可以准确地向 WMS 系统发送库存请求和拣选指令,确保仓库能够及时满足订单需求。全渠道订单智能路由功能使得订单可以根据库存情况、物流成本和配送时效等因素,自动分配到最合适的仓库或配送中心进行处理,提高订单处理效率和客户满意度。
WMS 系统则是物流的心脏,负责监控仓库内货物的接收、存储和发货。它通过自动化和优化仓库操作流程,提高仓库的作业效率和准确性。WMS 系统能够追踪库存水平、优化存储布局、指导拣选和包装作业,以及生成报告和分析数据,帮助管理者做出更明智的库存管理决策。
例如,WMS 系统可以通过条形码或 RFID 技术实现库存的快速盘点和准确跟踪,减少库存误差和损失。在拣选作业中,WMS 系统可以根据订单需求和库存位置,生成最优的拣选路径,提高拣选效率。同时,WMS 系统还可以与运输管理系统(TMS)集成,确保货物能够及时、准确地发运。
(三)B2B/DMS 系统的价值
B2B 系统在支持经销商订货方面具有重要价值。它为经销商提供了一个便捷的订货平台,经销商可以通过 B2B 系统快速查询产品信息、价格、库存等,进行多产品快速订货、订单复制、常购清单一键加入等操作,极大地简化了采购流程,提高了订货效率。
数据管理系统(DMS)则用于收集、分析各类业务数据,为决策提供支持。DMS 可以整合来自 B2B 系统、OMS、WMS 等多个系统的数据,进行深入分析,为品牌方提供销售数据分析、市场趋势分析、客户行为分析等多方面的信息。
商派「经销商订货管理平台」采用高弹性、易扩展的微服务技术架构,支持敏捷开发与交付,拥有强大、健全的「B2B 业务中台能力」,能提供全链路 B2B 业务场景产品和服务。它支持多终端多云部署,如 PC 端、小程序、H5、APP,企业微信、钉钉等多终端,支持本地化、私有云、公有云灵活部署,为外资品牌提供了高效、可靠的 B2B/DMS 解决方案。
(四)CRM 系统的作用
CRM(客户关系管理系统)在管理客户信息和实施精准营销方面起着重要作用。CRM 系统可以帮助品牌方建立完整准确的客户数据库,包括客户的基本信息、联系历史、购买记录等,为企业提供全面的客户视图。
基于客户数据库,品牌方可以深入了解客户的需求和偏好,为客户提供个性化的产品和服务,从而提高客户的满意度和忠诚度。例如,通过 CRM 系统,品牌方可以根据客户的购买历史和偏好,为客户推荐相关的产品和促销活动,提高营销的精准度和转化率。
CRM 系统还可以有效管理销售流程和销售团队。通过 CRM 系统,品牌方可以跟踪客户的销售进展,及时发现和解决问题,提高销售效率和业绩。CRM 系统还可以帮助品牌方分析销售数据,发现销售趋势和机会,支持决策和制定销售策略。
此外,CRM 系统还是市场营销的重要工具。它可以帮助品牌方进行市场细分和目标客户定位,制定精准的市场推广策略。通过 CRM 系统,品牌方可以进行市场活动的规划、执行和评估,实现营销活动的渠道整合和效果追踪。
快消品行业通过 CRM 系统实现精准营销,不仅能够提升营销效率,还能够增强消费者的品牌忠诚度,为企业带来长期的竞争优势。随着大数据、人工智能等技术的发展,CRM 系统的功能将更加强大,为外资品牌在中国市场的发展提供更多的支持。
与本土品牌、电商平台、网红 KOL 等建立合作关系是外资品牌拓展市场的有效途径。与本土品牌合作可以实现优势互补,共同开发新产品和拓展市场。与电商平台合作可以利用其庞大的用户流量和成熟的交易体系,提高品牌的曝光度和销售业绩。与网红 KOL 合作可以借助其影响力和粉丝基础,进行产品推广和品牌传播。
例如,外资品牌可以与本土品牌共同推出联名产品,吸引双方的粉丝群体;与电商平台合作开展促销活动,提高产品的销量;与网红 KOL 合作进行直播带货,增加品牌的知名度。
“Foreign Brands in China: The Integration and Challenges of Omnichannel Retail in the Era of Globalization”
Amidst the tide of globalization, the Chinese market, with its vast consumption potential and rapid economic growth, has emerged as a strategic destination for numerous foreign brands seeking to expand their horizons. The rapid advancements in internet technology and the evolving consumer behaviors are ushering in an unprecedented transformation in China’s retail landscape. The rise of omnichannel retail, the acceleration of digital transformation, and the proliferation of emerging social media platforms have presented new opportunities for foreign brands while posing a series of challenges simultaneously.
This article aims to delve into the omnichannel retail environment in China, examine the differences in consumption habits between Chinese and foreign consumers, analyze the business models adopted by foreign brands in China, and offer suggestions for building digital systems and considerations to bear in mind.
I. Scanning the Omnichannel Retail Environment in China
(A) Insights into Data from Major E-commerce and Live Streaming Social Platforms
Taobao, as one of the largest comprehensive e-commerce platforms in China, boasts a colossal user base, with monthly active users numbering in the hundreds of millions. In terms of transaction volume, Taobao and Tmall jointly accounted for 45% of the overall e-commerce market in 2023, underscoring their formidable market presence. Since its inception in 2004, JD.com has maintained an impressive growth rate exceeding 200% for seven consecutive years, constantly exploring new technologies to enhance consumers’ shopping experiences. Pinduoduo, with its innovative group-buying model, has soared to prominence, securing a 15% share of the e-commerce market in 2023. Its low-price strategy and novel social e-commerce mindset have garnered massive consumer appeal.
In recent years, live streaming platforms like Douyin (TikTok) and Kuaishou have demonstrated remarkable sales prowess. For instance, Douyin’s e-commerce sales surpassed RMB 2 trillion in 2023, marking a year-on-year growth of over 60%. These platforms cater to a diverse audience, spanning various ages, regions, and consumption levels. The ascendancy of live streaming e-commerce has significantly impacted traditional e-commerce, offering consumers a more intuitive and interactive shopping experience through short video content and live broadcasts.
Social platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, and “Little Red Book” play a crucial role in content marketing and social e-commerce. Little Red Book, originating as a community-driven platform, enables users to share consumption experiences and lifestyles, fostering a distinctive community ecosystem. With over 300 million monthly active users, Little Red Book has become a hotbed for emerging consumer trends and marketing buzzwords.
WeChat, a ubiquitous app in China, had nearly 1.4 billion combined monthly active accounts for WeChat and WeChat Work by the first quarter of 2024. At the commercial level, it offers precise DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) marketing channels for brands through the construction of private domain traffic via mini-program malls and official account operations. Meanwhile, Weibo leverages the influence of celebrities and internet celebrities to propel brand PR and product sales.
(B) Transformations and Trends in Offline Retail Markets
Under the new retail paradigm, the transformation of offline stores has accelerated. Smart stores leverage big data, artificial intelligence, and other technologies to offer personalized shopping experiences to consumers. Meanwhile, unmanned retail utilizes automated equipment to provide 24/7 uninterrupted services. Experiential consumption has emerged as a new trend in offline retail, with home furnishing stores, for instance, setting up simulated home scenarios to allow customers to intuitively experience product effects.
Traditional formats such as shopping centers and department stores are also actively transforming. Shopping centers are introducing diverse business formats, including dining, entertainment, and culture, to create a one-stop consumption experience. Department stores, on the other hand, are strengthening their cooperation with brands to enhance product quality and service levels. Community commerce, with its convenience and proximity to consumers, has become a vital component of offline retail.
O2O (Online to Offline) integration cases continue to emerge, offering consumers more convenient shopping methods through strategies like scan-and-go, in-store pickup, and online ordering with offline experiences. For example, some brands have set up online shopping zones in physical stores, guiding customers to place orders via scanning QR codes and enjoy door-to-door delivery services. Watsons Cloud Store supports online ordering with flexible options for selecting delivery stores and fulfillment methods, ensuring rapid delivery within 30 minutes. Apple China’s “Apple Authorized Reseller Near You” mini-program connects thousands of offline stores, providing not only product sales but also data migration, trade-in programs, one-on-one assistance, and after-sales services.
(C) The Rise of Localized Instant Retail
Local lifestyle service platforms like Meituan and Ele.me have extensively deployed in the instant retail sector. Taking Meituan as an example, its instant retail business covers areas such as fresh food delivery and instant access to daily necessities. By partnering with numerous merchants, the platform has established an efficient delivery network to meet consumers’ demands for swift delivery.
Instant retail has transformed consumers’ shopping habits, with an increased emphasis on convenience and timeliness. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for immediate delivery. Brands can leverage this trend to enhance service experiences and market share by optimizing inventory management, improving delivery efficiency, and otherwise catering to consumer needs. For instance, some fresh food brands have achieved rapid expansion through collaboration with instant retail platforms.
II. Analysis of Differences in Consumer Habits between China and Foreign Countries
(A) Differences in Shopping Channels and Payment Methods
Chinese consumers exhibit a high degree of dependence on mobile payments, with WeChat Pay and Alipay enjoying far higher penetration rates than in other countries. Statistics reveal that over 80% of Chinese consumers use mobile payments for daily shopping, whereas in some European and American countries, the adoption rate of mobile payments hovers around 30%. This disparity stems primarily from China’s rapid advancements in mobile payment technology, which offers convenience, speed, and security.
Moreover, Chinese consumers embrace live streaming e-commerce and short video marketing with great enthusiasm. Platforms like Douyin (TikTok) and Kuaishou have facilitated rapid sales growth for numerous brands through live streaming. During live streams, consumers can gain an intuitive understanding of product features and usage methods while interacting with hosts to acquire additional information. In contrast, the development of live streaming e-commerce and short video marketing in other countries is relatively sluggish, with consumers preferring traditional shopping channels and advertising methods.
(B) Variations in Shopping Preferences and Decision-Making Factors
Chinese consumers tend to be highly price-sensitive, often comparing products to select those with the best value for money. For instance, when purchasing electronics, they meticulously consider factors such as price, performance, and after-sales service before making a decision.
Regarding brand loyalty, Chinese consumers exhibit relatively low levels. They are more inclined to try new brands and products, particularly under the influence of social media, where novel products easily captivate them. Nevertheless, once consumers develop trust in a brand, they can become loyal users.
Word-of-mouth and social recommendations play pivotal roles in Chinese consumers’ shopping decisions. Before making a purchase, they frequently consult friends and family or refer to evaluations from other consumers on social media platforms. For instance, user shares and recommendations on Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) significantly impact purchasing decisions. Additionally, KOL/KOC (Key Opinion Leaders/Creators) and internet celebrity endorsements garner significant attention from consumers, often driving sales.
(C) Distinct Brand Marketing Strategies
The construction and management of private traffic within WeChat’s ecosystem constitute a crucial aspect of Chinese brand marketing strategies. Through mini-program malls, official account operations, and community marketing, brands can establish their private traffic pools, facilitating more direct and profound communication with consumers. For example, brands can leverage official accounts to disseminate product information and promotional activities, attracting consumer attention. Mini-program malls facilitate online sales, enhancing conversion rates, while community marketing strengthens user engagement and loyalty.
Xiaohongshu’s unique “grass-planting” mechanism also stands out. Leveraging big data analytics, the platform precisely pushes products tailored to users’ preferences. Users share personal experiences, shopping tips, and more, fostering closer social connections through likes, comments, and other interactive mechanisms. Brands can leverage high-quality content, such as product trial reports and beauty tutorials, to attract target audiences, enhancing brand exposure and trustworthiness.
Influencer live streaming strategies, including product selection, scripting, and interaction techniques, are equally vital for brand marketing. Influencers select products that cater to their fan base’s needs while emphasizing quality and cost-effectiveness. During live streams, they employ engaging scripts and interactive techniques to captivate audiences’ attention and participation. For instance, giveaways and coupons boost purchasing intentions. Through live streaming platforms, brands can elevate brand exposure, increase sales, and achieve rapid growth.
III. Exploration of Business Models for Foreign Brands in China
(A) Strategy Combination of DTC Pure E-commerce Model
The integration of public e-commerce platforms such as Tmall, private e-commerce like WeChat Mini Program stores, and social e-commerce platforms like Douyin (TikTok) can bring broader customer reach and deeper user engagement for foreign brands. As a representative of private e-commerce, the WeChat Mini Program store provides brands with an independent operational space, enabling them to establish close connections with consumers through public account operations, community marketing, and other methods, thereby enhancing user stickiness and loyalty. On the other hand, platform/social e-commerce boasts vast user traffic and mature transaction systems, facilitating rapid market share expansion for brands.
For instance, foreign brands can promote their brands and sell products on platforms like Tmall and Douyin to attract new users, while offering exclusive services and promotional activities to existing customers through their WeChat Mini Program stores to increase repurchase rates. This combined strategy leverages the strengths of different channels to achieve omnichannel marketing for the brand.
The platform agency operation model has both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages lie in the rich e-commerce operational experience and professional teams of agency service providers, which can help brands rapidly enter the Chinese market, reducing operational costs and risks. These service providers can also utilize their platform resources and channels to provide more promotional and sales opportunities for brands.
However, the platform agency operation model also has drawbacks. Firstly, brands become highly dependent on the agency service providers, potentially losing control over brand image and sales channels. Secondly, service providers may represent multiple brands simultaneously, making it challenging to ensure dedicated investment and attention to each one. Lastly, the agency fees can be substantial, increasing operational costs for brands.
When selecting a platform agency service provider, foreign brands should consider the following aspects: the provider’s professional capabilities and experience in e-commerce operations, marketing, and customer service; its reputation and credibility based on feedback from previous brands and clients; its resources and channels, including platform resources, social media resources, and logistics capabilities; and its fee structure and cooperation mode to ensure a feasible and sustainable partnership.
(B) Key Points of Combining DTC Pure E-commerce Model with Direct Store Operations
Market research is crucial for the success of direct store operations. Foreign brands need to deeply understand Chinese consumer demands, competitor landscapes, market trends, and other factors to formulate reasonable market positioning and marketing strategies. In terms of location selection, factors such as foot traffic, consumption levels, and shopping mall ambience should be considered to choose suitable store locations. For example, opening flagship stores in core business districts of first-tier cities can enhance brand awareness and influence, while setting up specialty stores in shopping malls in second- and third-tier cities can better cater to local consumer needs.
The essentials of store operation management encompass store decoration, merchandise display, staff training, and customer service. Foreign brands should create distinctive store images, offer high-quality products and services, and enhance consumer shopping experiences. Additionally, strengthening staff training to improve employees’ professionalism and service levels is vital for providing better shopping advice and solutions to consumers.
The integration of online and offline strategies is a crucial component of the DTC pure e-commerce model combined with direct store operations. Foreign brands can achieve seamless online-to-offline (O2O) connections through O2O marketing and unified membership systems. For instance, consumers can place orders online and choose in-store pickup or delivery, while also experiencing products in physical stores and enjoying online discounts through QR code scanning. Unified membership systems facilitate shared member points and benefits, boosting member loyalty and purchase frequency.
(C) Key Elements of B2B Dealer Strategic Cooperation Model
Brand licensing and localized production collaborations provide robust support for foreign brands’ development in the Chinese market. Brand licensing enables swift market entry, leveraging dealers’ channels and resources to expand market share. Localized production reduces costs, enhances product competitiveness, and better satisfies Chinese consumer needs.
When selecting dealer partners, foreign brands should assess their strength, reputation, and channel coverage. Powerful dealers offer more resources and support, reputable dealers safeguard brand image and reputation, and those with extensive channel coverage facilitate rapid market penetration.
Managing channel conflicts is a pivotal issue in the B2B dealer strategic cooperation model. Foreign brands must establish reasonable pricing systems and channel policies to avoid price competition and conflicts across channels. Moreover, strengthening dealer management and supervision ensures compliance with brand policies and sales norms.
Maintaining a stable price system is also essential. Foreign brands should formulate pricing strategies that balance profit margins, market competitiveness, and consumer acceptance. Additionally, price monitoring and management prevent fluctuations and chaos, safeguarding brand price image and market order.
IV. Digital System Construction of Foreign Brands in China
(A) The Significance of Brand’s Official Website Mall System
The brand’s official website mall system serves as a vital window for brand image display and online transactions, crucial for foreign brands conducting business in China. It is not only a platform for brands to showcase their products and services to consumers but also an essential channel for direct interaction with consumers, fostering brand awareness and trust.
The official website mall system necessitates a range of functional modules to ensure a seamless user experience and efficient business operations. Firstly, the product management module enables brands to effortlessly add, edit, and delete product information, including images, descriptions, prices, and inventory, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. The user account management module provides consumers with functions such as registration, login, order history viewing, address and preference management, facilitating a personalized shopping experience.
Moreover, the system should incorporate membership and permission management, setting different access levels for various user roles, like regular customers, member users, and administrators. The shopping cart and checkout process module offers a convenient way for users to add, remove items, and proceed with payment. The payment gateway integration module supports diverse payment methods, catering to the varied payment preferences of Chinese consumers.
The order management module automates order processing, including confirmation, shipping, returns, and refunds, while offering order inquiry and statistical functions for efficient order management and sales insights. The logistics and delivery management module integrates logistics services, providing shipping cost calculation, shipping options, and tracking, ensuring timely and accurate delivery.
Marketing tools, including coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs, boost sales and customer loyalty. The review and comment system enhances transparency and trust by allowing users to evaluate purchased products and services. The data analysis and reporting module provides insights into sales data, user behavior, and traffic, aiding in better business decisions.
The social media integration module facilitates login via social media accounts, sharing of products and promotions, expanding brand reach. Mobile compatibility ensures a seamless experience on mobile devices, supporting mobile shopping. The API integration module enables data synchronization and process automation with other systems.
(B) Functions of OMS and WMS Systems
OMS (Order Management System) plays a pivotal role in optimizing inventory management and order processing. It handles order receipt, processing, confirmation, and execution, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. Integrated with WMS (Warehouse Management System), OMS triggers warehouse operations based on order demands, such as picking, packing, and shipping.
The Shangpai OMS system empowers brands to achieve omnichannel inventory management, facilitating fine-grained inventory control. By monitoring inventory levels in real-time, OMS accurately sends inventory requests and picking instructions to WMS, ensuring warehouses promptly fulfill order demands. The intelligent order routing feature intelligently assigns orders to the most suitable warehouse or distribution center based on inventory availability, logistics costs, and delivery timelines, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.
WMS serves as the heart of logistics, overseeing the receipt, storage, and dispatch of goods within warehouses. It enhances operational efficiency and accuracy through automation and optimization. WMS tracks inventory levels, optimizes storage layouts, guides picking and packing operations, and generates reports and analytical data to inform inventory management decisions.
For instance, WMS utilizes barcode or RFID technology for rapid inventory counting and accurate tracking, minimizing errors and losses. In picking operations, WMS generates optimal picking routes based on order requirements and inventory locations, enhancing picking efficiency. Furthermore, WMS integrates with TMS (Transportation Management System) to ensure timely and accurate shipment of goods.
(C) The Value of B2B System/DMS System
The B2B system holds significant value in supporting dealer ordering. It provides dealers with a convenient ordering platform where they can quickly access product information, pricing, inventory status, and more. Functions such as multi-product rapid ordering, order copying, and one-click addition to frequently purchased lists significantly streamline the procurement process and enhance ordering efficiency.
The Data Management System (DMS) serves to collect and analyze various business data, offering insights for decision-making. By integrating data from B2B systems, Order Management Systems (OMS), Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), and other sources, DMS conducts deep analyses to provide brand owners with insights into sales data, market trends, customer behavior, and more.
For instance, through sales data analysis, brands can gain insights into sales performance across regions and among dealers, identify sales hotspots and potential markets, and formulate targeted marketing strategies. Market trend analysis aids in capturing dynamic market shifts, allowing for timely adjustments to product strategies and inventory management. Meanwhile, customer behavior analysis delves into dealers’ purchasing habits and needs, informing product development and service improvements.
The Shangpai “Dealer Ordering Management Platform” employs a highly flexible and scalable microservices architecture that supports agile development and delivery. It boasts robust “B2B Business Middleware Capabilities,” offering full-chain B2B business scenarios and products across multiple terminals and cloud deployments, including PC, mini-programs, H5, apps, WeChat Work, DingTalk, and more. Supporting localized, private cloud, and public cloud deployments, it provides efficient and reliable B2B/DMS solutions for foreign brands.
(D) The Role of CRM System
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems play a pivotal role in managing customer information and executing precision marketing. CRM systems help brands establish comprehensive and accurate customer databases, encompassing customer demographics, communication history, purchase records, and more, offering a holistic customer view.
Based on this database, brands can gain deep insights into customer needs and preferences, enabling the delivery of personalized products and services, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. For example, CRM systems can leverage customers’ purchase history and preferences to recommend relevant products and promotions, improving marketing precision and conversion rates.
CRM systems also effectively manage sales processes and teams. They allow brands to track sales progress, promptly identify and resolve issues, thereby enhancing sales efficiency and performance. Additionally, CRM systems analyze sales data to uncover trends and opportunities, supporting decision-making and strategy formulation.
Furthermore, CRM systems serve as vital marketing tools. They facilitate market segmentation and target customer identification, enabling the formulation of precise marketing strategies. CRM systems streamline marketing activity planning, execution, and evaluation, achieving channel integration and effect tracking.
By leveraging CRM systems for precision marketing in the FMCG industry, brands can not only elevate marketing efficiency but also bolster consumer brand loyalty, fostering long-term competitive advantages. With advancements in big data, AI, and other technologies, CRM systems will become even more powerful, offering increased support for foreign brands navigating the Chinese market.
V. Considerations for Foreign Brands in China
(I) Importance of Business Licenses and Compliance
For foreign brands operating in China, obtaining necessary business licenses, tax registration certificates, and other operational qualifications is crucial. These qualifications serve as the foundation for legal operations, ensuring the brand’s compliance status in the market. Without legitimate operational qualifications, brands may face risks such as fines, suspension of operations, or even forced exit from the market.
China’s retail business is governed by numerous laws and regulations, including the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law, E-commerce Law, and more. Foreign brands need to thoroughly understand these laws and regulations to ensure compliance in areas such as product quality, advertising, and after-sales service. For example, the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law outlines consumer rights and corporate obligations, requiring foreign brands to safeguard consumers’ rights to information, fair transactions, and providing products and services that meet quality standards.
Data compliance is also a significant area of concern for foreign brands in China. With the advent of the digital age, issues surrounding personal information protection and cross-border data transmission have become increasingly prominent. Foreign brands must adhere to China’s Personal Information Protection Law and related regulations when collecting, storing, and using consumer data, ensuring data security and legal usage. Additionally, cross-border data transfers must undergo security assessments and approvals as stipulated to prevent data leaks and misuse.
(II) Cultural Adaptation and Localization Strategies
Respecting Chinese culture and consumer habits is crucial for foreign brands’ success in China. China boasts a rich history and unique culture, significantly influencing consumers’ values, aesthetics, and behavior. Foreign brands should deeply understand Chinese culture and incorporate Chinese elements into product design, brand communication, and marketing strategies to resonate with consumers.
Product localization is a vital step for foreign brands to adapt to the Chinese market. Adjustments can be made to product features, packaging, and flavors based on Chinese consumer needs and preferences. For instance, Coca-Cola’s introduction of hot beverages and locally sourced fruit juice drinks, and Starbucks’ mooncakes and iced crystal dumplings, are successful examples of product localization.
Marketing localization necessitates adopting marketing methods and channels suitable for the Chinese market. Foreign brands can leverage Chinese social media platforms, e-commerce platforms, and offline events for brand promotion. Combining traditional Chinese festivals and cultural activities with targeted marketing campaigns, such as during Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, is also effective.
Service localization focuses on providing after-sales service and customer experiences that meet Chinese consumer expectations. This includes establishing Chinese-speaking customer service teams for rapid response and issue resolution, optimizing logistics and distribution to ensure timely product delivery.
(III) Strategies for Competition and Collaboration
Analyzing the competitive landscape is crucial for foreign brands in China. With fierce competition and the continuous rise of domestic brands, foreign brands need to identify key competitors and potential threats. Understanding competitors’ product features, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics helps foreign brands formulate differentiated competitive strategies.
Establishing partnerships with domestic brands, e-commerce platforms, and influencers (KOLs) is an effective way for foreign brands to expand their market reach. Collaborating with domestic brands can achieve complementary advantages and jointly develop new products and markets. Collaborating with e-commerce platforms leverages their vast user traffic and mature transaction systems, boosting brand exposure and sales performance. Collaborating with influencers can leverage their influence and fan base for product promotion and brand dissemination.
For instance, foreign brands can collaborate with domestic brands on co-branded products, attracting fans from both sides. Collaborating with e-commerce platforms on promotional activities can boost product sales. Collaborating with influencers for live streaming sales can increase brand recognition.
(IV) Approaches to Risk Management
Establishing a risk warning mechanism is crucial for foreign brands to respond to potential risks such as market changes, policy adjustments, and supply chain disruptions. By monitoring and analyzing market dynamics, policies, and industry trends, foreign brands can promptly identify potential risks and take corresponding measures.
To address market changes, foreign brands should strengthen market research, understand shifts in consumer demand, and adjust product and marketing strategies accordingly. For policy adjustments, close attention should be paid to policy developments, and preparatory measures should be taken in advance to ensure business compliance. Regarding supply chain disruptions, establishing a diversified supply chain system can reduce reliance on single suppliers and enhance supply chain stability.
Crisis management and brand protection are also areas of importance for foreign brands. In the face of crises such as product quality issues or negative public opinion, effective crisis management measures should be taken promptly, including public apologies, product recalls, and enhanced communication, to minimize damage to brand image. Additionally, brand protection should be strengthened through measures such as trademark registration and intellectual property protection to safeguard the brand’s legitimate rights and interests.
As China’s retail market continues to evolve and deepen its digital transformation, foreign brands are confronted with unprecedented opportunities and challenges in the country. To succeed in this fiercely competitive market, foreign brands must gain a profound understanding of Chinese consumers’ shopping habits, cultural preferences, and market trends, formulating strategies tailored to local needs. Furthermore, establishing robust digital systems encompassing official online stores, order management, warehouse management, dealer ordering, and customer relationship management (CRM) is crucial for enhancing brand competitiveness and market adaptability.
Operating in China, foreign brands must prioritize compliance and risk management while emphasizing cultural adaptation and the implementation of localized strategies. Collaborating with local brands, e-commerce platforms, and key opinion leaders (KOLs) can facilitate their seamless integration into the Chinese market, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships. Additionally, establishing effective risk early warning and crisis management mechanisms enables brands to promptly respond to market fluctuations and potential risks, safeguarding their brand image and legitimate rights.
In summary, the long-term development of foreign brands in the Chinese market necessitates a comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. Only through continuous innovation and adjustment can they take root and thrive in this vibrant landscape. With the sustained expansion and upgrading of China’s consumer market, the development prospects for foreign brands in China are promising and full of potential.
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